Page 16 - 2023 Official Program
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The 32nd Annual Woods Hole Film Festival


             Screen                                            writ                        ers

        FILMMAKERS                  Elaine Sheldon, King Coal   Rose Schimm, Tart          Tiger Ji, Death & Ramen
        NARRATIVE FEATURE           Harriet Marin, Jones King of    Jahmil Eady, The Bond   Gordon LePage,
        Amy Glazer, 7000 Miles      Kings: Chasing Edward Jones   Jared Watson,            Dragon Poets of Boston
        D.G. Clark, A Kind of Kidnapping  Luchina Fisher, Kate Davis,   The Fisherman’s Wife   Courtney Hope Therond,
                                    Locked Out
                                                                                           Give It To Me
        Peggy O’Sullivan, Michael, All Men                     Ryan Noufer , The Hereafter
        Are Wicked                  Maggie Contreras, Maestra   Mário Patricínio, The Tuner    Jason Laurits Goodbye Tango
        Alison Murray, Ariel - Back to   Justinsuperstar, Mom & Dad’s   of Silences        Nathan Morria, My Eyes Are
        Buenos Aires,               Nipple Factory             Adam Linkenhelt, The Unreliables   Up Here
        Ian Puleston-Davies, Bolan’s   Mark Fletcher, Patrick and    Peter Collins Campbell,    Nitzan Mager, Run Amok
        Shoes                       the Whale                  Variations on a Theme       Lauren Sevigny, Lexi Pappa,
        Katherine Jerkovic, Coyote   Brad Allgood, Camilo de C,   Joel Salaysay, Wok Hei   Super Deep Down
        Martin Kaszubowski, Earlybird   Peter Schnall, Ron Carter: Finding                 Josh Kirk, The Orb
        Estefanía Cortés, Edén      the Right Notes            SHORT DOCUMENTARY           Bahar Dorabad, The Quarantine
        Katharina Woll, Everybody Wants   Reed Harkness, Sam Now   Laura Cunningham, Coskata-
        To Be Loved                 Bill Muench, The Artist and the   Coatue: A Refuge on the Edge   Jarreau Carrillo, The Vacation
        Erik Bloomquist, Intermedium   Astronaut               Nancy Kwon, Nicole Gorml,   Laura Lee, Trundle and the Lost
                                                                                           Borscht of Atlantis
        Mandy Fabian, Jess Plus None   Dylan Howitt, The Nettle Dress   Daughter of the Sea
        Zia Mohajerjasbi, Know Your Place   Lisa Cortés, Diego Hurtado,    Robert Lyons, Jeremy Work,   Honora Talbott, Wheel
        Robert Higgins and Patrick    The Space Race           Deciding Vote
        Lakelands                   Allison Otto, The Thief Collector   Jordan Matthew Horowitz,   SHORT ANIMATION
                                                               Jack and Sam
        Max Schmitz, Dana Dveris,    Set Hernandez, unseen                                 Idan Gilboa, Deadline
        Let’s Meet Halfway          Alex Rappoport,            Ilegvak, Colin Russell      Brittany Biggs, Manō
                                                               Malignasquelluki (To Live in
        Signe Baumane, My Love Affair   With Peter Bradley     Harmony)                    Linda Wingerter, Misophonia
        With Marriage               Tatyana Bronstein, Woman in    Emily Packer, Not Another    Ahmad Saleh, Night
        Mark Kiefer, Pacific Coast   the MIrror                Ballet Story                Wan-Ling Liu, The Egret River
        Vivian Kerr, Scrap                                     Gabriela Cavanagh, Grace    Anthony Deptula, The Right One
        Olivia West Lloyd,          SHORT DRAMA                OtroLado, [OtherSide]       Alex Ross, The Social Chameleon
        Somewhere Quiet             Cody McHan, Baseball With Dad   Durier Ryan, Restoring An Icon:   Jerry van de Beek & Betsy,
        Michael Stevantoni & Strac,                            Tom Townsend and “Cirrus”   Yellowstone 88 - Song of Fire
        The Banality                Julian Turner, Big Three   Maximilian Armstrong, Seeds
        Caylee So, The Harvest      Marcus W. Albino, Black Maria   of Change
                                    Chryssanthi Kouri, Dustlight   Samantha Sanders,       SCREENPLAY FINALISTS
        DOCUMENTARY FEATURE         Oriana Ng  EXIT            Swimming Through            John T. Frederic, A NEED FOR
                                                                                           SOMETHING NEW
        Christine Yoo, 26.2 to Life   Sining Xiang, Foreign Uncle   Amy Lauren, The Arctic Halocline   Frederik Ehrhardt,
        June Beallor, 2020 Chaos    Waleed Bedour, Hawawshi    Andrew Eldridge,            Devil’s Instrument
        and Hope                    Adrian Todd Zuniga, Hold Me,   The Mural Master        Jennifer Rapaport, John Sti,
        Mercedes Kane. Art and Pep   Don’t Touch Me            Jack Pirie, The Storm Chaser   Gramps
        Noura Kevorkian, Batata     Chris Overton, in too deep   Maclovia Martel Tracks: Stumbling   Neal Thibedeau, Rafael Ag,
                                                               Stones Amsterdam
        Jesse Rudoy, Dusty & Stones   Timothy Blackwood, Infraction   Clem McIntosh Wabanaki Modern   inHUMAN reSOURCES
        Jay Schlossberg, Feast Your Ears:   Chelsie Pennello, Mandarins                    Jennifer Rae Rapaport, Pending
        The Story of WHFS 102.3 FM   Andreas Kessler, NAKAM                                Stuart Alan Creque, ST. GEORGE
        Michele Stephenson, Joe B,    Sasha Briggs, Panda      SHORT COMEDY                AND THE DRAGON
        Going To Mars: The Nikki Giovanni   Kelly Pike, Picture Day   Nicholas Bentgen,    Robert Manz, The White Gloves,
        Project                     Major Dorfman, Rips        Quote Me Outside            Legend
        Samuel-Ali, Mirpoorian Greener                         Tyler Riggs, Blue Boy       R.A. Eschenroeder, Trans Spotting
        Pastures                    Brandon McKnight, Roadmarks   Matt Ott, Clam Shack Blues
        James Lapine, In the Company   Mia Mullarkey, Safe as Houses   Stephanie Kaznocha, Confessions
        of Rose                     Catherine Loerke, Sand Mama
        Randy Martin, Karen Carpenter:   Rodrigo Moreno-Fernandez,
        Starving for Perfection     Strings

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