Page 20 - 2023 Official Program
P. 20

The 32nd Annual Woods Hole Film Festival

      DOCUMENTARY                           Batata                                 Going To Mars: The Nikki Giovanni Project
                                            Noura Kevorkian • Canada • 2022 • 126 min.
                                                                                  Joe Brewster, Michele Stephenson • USA • 2022 • 92 min.

      26.2 to Life
      Christine Yoo • USA • 2022 • 88 min.

                                            ¿ July 30 at 7:30pm • Clapp Auditorium  ¿ Thursday, July 27 at 7:30pm • Redfield Auditorium
                                            Filmed over an unparalleled 10 years, the Peabody   Going to Mars: The Nikki Giovanni Project is a documen-
                                            Award winning BATATA documents the life of Syrian mi-  tary that takes us through the mindscape of legendary
                                            grant worker Maria and her journey from days farming   poet, Nikki Giovanni, as she reflects on her life and
                                            potatoes to life in a refugee camp, demonstrating the   legacy. Nikki’s voice guides us across time and space,
                                            spirit of a woman who puts family above all else.  through dreams and remembrances, across decades of
                                                                                  work with visual lyricism fit for a poet. Present day finds
      ¿ July 29 at 6:15pm • Redfield Auditorium   Dusty & Stones                  American history, as the film reimagines her most iconic
                                            Jesse Rudoy • USA • 2022 • 83 min.    Nikki in her late chapter of life, reckoning with health
      Every year, the San Quentin Marathon gathers crowds                          struggles and the inevitable march of time. However,
      of participants for its challenging 26.2 mile course.
      Some run for life, some for freedom, some to prove                          in her art and dreams, Nikki ventures beyond her own
                                                                                  lifetime, to Middle Passage and Mars, always keeping
      how much they’ve transformed. For all the incarcer-
      ated members of the prison’s 1000 mile club, running                        hold of possibility. She urges us to dream of a better
                                                                                  future where equity and justice reign, and Black women
      is a way to transcend prison politics and be defined by
      more than just their past crimes.                                           lead, calling us to action with an unforgettable mantra:
                                                                                  “We’re going to Mars.”
      2020 Chaos and Hope
      June Beallor • USA • 2022 • 96 min.                                         Greener Pastures
                                                                                  Samuel-Ali Mirpoorian • USA • 2023 • 85 min.

                                            ¿ August 1 at 6:15pm • Redfield Auditorium
                                            Dusty and Stones struggle to sustain a country music
                                            career in their tiny African Kingdom of Swaziland and
                                            yearn for greater recognition. When they are unexpectedly
                                            nominated to compete in a Texas battle of the bands, the
                                            two cousins journey to the heart of American country mu-
                                            sic, determined to win big and turn their careers around.
                                            Feast Your Ears: The Story of WHFS 102.3 FM
      ¿ July 31 at 5:30pm • Falmouth Acadamy  Jay Schlossberg • USA • 2023 • 96 min.
                                                                                   ¿ July 29 at 5:30pm • Falmouth Acadamy
      A time capsule of a year unlike any other, 2020 Chaos                       Greener Pastures is an urgent and intimate look at
      and Hope, features a diverse group of individuals and
      renowned experts, as they reflect on the year 2020.                         American farming, told through the stories of farmers
                                                                                  living at the intersection of climate change, globaliza-
      The film brings us face-to-face with the dramatic and
      emotional moments of the year – COVID-19, racial                            tion & a mental health crisis.
      strife, political unrest, truth under fire, and increased                   In the Company of Rose
      economic disparity all gathered into the perfect storm.                     James Lapine • USA • 2023 • 86 min.
      Where do we go from here? It’s up to us to decide.
      Art and Pep
      Mercedes Kane • USA • 2022 • 89 min.

                                            ¿ July 30 at 4:00pm • Redfield Auditorium
                                            Feast Your Ears: The Story of WHFS 102.3 FM will take you
                                            on a trip back to the ‘60s, ‘70s and ‘80s when “free form”
                                            progressive FM radio was in its heyday in America. Broad-
                                            casting from “high atop the Triangle Towers” near Washing-
                                            ton, DC the legendary & beloved WHFS was more than just
                                            a local radio station - it was the voice of a generation.
                                                                                  ¿ August 3 at 6:15pm • Redfield Auditorium
                                                                                  The renowned playwright and director James Lapine
                                                                                  casually meets the 86-year old Rose Styron - poet,
      ¿ August 3 at 7:45pm • Falmouth Acadamy                                     journalist, human rights activist and widow of the famed
      Art and Pep are the owners of the iconic bar Sidetrack,                     author William Styron - and is promptly invited to lunch.
      Chicago. And they’re also civil rights leaders who have                     Expecting a couple of great stories, he brings along
                                                                                  his camera. Fascinated by her tales, Rose becomes his
      been fighting for LGBTQ+ equality for decades, their ac-
      tivism is the focus of their struggle to live and love freely.              Scheherazade over a period of six years as he learns
                                                                                  of the fascinating and complicated life she has led and
                                                                                  the people she has known, and along the way, learns
                                                                                  something about himself, too.
                                                     10:30pm • Captain Kidd
                                                  Opening Night Party                 A Bringing Science to the Screen screening.
                                                                                      This film/program screens live only.
                                                 with music by the band ARLO
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