Page 24 - 2023 Official Program
P. 24

The 32nd Annual Woods Hole Film Festival

      NARRATIVE                             Ariel - Back to Buenos Aires           Earlybird
                                                                                  Martin Kaszubowski • USA • 2023 • 102 min.
                                            Alison Murray • Canada/ Argentina • 2022 • 102 min.

      7000 Miles
      Amy Glazer • USA • 2023 • 82 min.

                                            ¿ August 3 at 5:30pm • Falmouth Acadamy  ¿ August 3 at 6:00pm • Clapp Auditorium
                                            Ariel - Back to Buenos Aires is the story of a brother and   A desperate theater owner resuscitates his struggling
                                            sister who return to the country of their birth, Argentina,   business with off-the-wall productions, all the while los-
                                            for the first time in their adult lives. Against the backdrop   ing sight of why he chose this life at all.
                                            of glamorous tango clubs of Buenos Aires, they uncover
                                            dark family secrets and the reason for their parents’   Edén
                                            emigration to Canada.                 Estefanía Cortés • Spain • 2022 • 90 min.
      ¿ July 31 at 8:30pm • Redfield Auditorium
      Jo Standish, a passionate young pilot, is challenged by   Bolan’s Shoes
      her grandmother to live life on her own terms, but she   Ian Puleston-Davies • UK • 2023 • 97 min.
      finds herself at a crossroads when doing that may mean
      revealing her grandmother’s long-buried family secret.
      A Kind of Kidnapping
      D.G. Clark • UK • 2022 • 83 min.

                                                                                  ¿ July 31 at 5:00pm • Clapp Auditorium
                                                                                  Marina has been trying to escape from the trauma that
                                            ¿ August 3 at 5:30pm • Falmouth Acadamy  haunts her after a tragic event. Tormented and broken
                                                                                  by guilt, she decides to go to Edén, a clandestine com-
                                            A love letter to 70s glam rock told through the eyes of   pany located in the middle of nature, which will help her
                                            2 children who grew up in a children’s home and were   end her suffering.
                                            involved in an accident after attending a T-Rex concert.
                                            Light-hearted comedy and supernatural chills abound in   Everybody Wants To Be Loved
      ¿ July 29 at 8:00pm • Clapp Auditorium   this inspirational story that explores the enduring legacy of   Katharina Woll • Germany • 2023 • 80 min.
      A young, broke couple kidnap a sleazy politician who   childhood trauma and the life-affirming power of music.
      decides he can spin the story to his own advantage.  Coyote
      All Men Are Wicked                    Katherine Jerkovic • Canada • 2022 • 89 min.
      Peggy O’Sullivan, Michael Hansen • USA • 2023 • 104 min.

                                                                                  ¿ July 29 at 6:30pm • Falmouth Acadamy
                                                                                  A blisteringly hot summer day. Psychotherapist Ina no-
                                                                                  tices something is wrong with her. But she doesn’t have
                                            ¿ August 4 at 5:30pm • Falmouth Acadamy  time to worry about it: Patients are waiting at the practice,
                                                                                  her daughter is threatening to move in with her father,
      ¿ August 1 at 8:15pm • Clapp Auditorium  A cook in his heyday, Camilo is now a worn-out fifty-  her boyfriend wants to emigrate to Finland, and her
      Three outlaws, accused of robbing a stagecoach, find   year-old who works for a cleaning company. He wants   self-centered mother is celebrating her 70th birthday. Ina
      themselves bound and hanging upside down in the   to get back on track and an opportunity to recover   wants to please everyone. But then everything changes.
      desert. The deal is simple: they tell the Hangman where   his culinary passion finally presents itself. Everything
      to find the bonds, and he’ll set them free. But who, if   is in place for this new beginning when his daughter
      anyone, is guilty?                    Tania, with whom he had cut ties because of her drug
                                            addiction tells him that he is a grandfather and asks
                                            him to take care of the child while she undergoes her
                                            umpteenth rehab. There will be a new beginning for
                                            him, certainly, but not as he imagined it.

          It is my pleasure to welcome you to the 32nd annual Woods Hole Film Festival.  As always, it is our intention that this year’s
          Festival offers an opportunity for those of us in Woods Hole to experience and connect with each other and the world
          through our programs, while continuing to share the Cape’s authentic voices and stories on a global scale. The creativity,
          passion, and intelligence of our creatives and the filmmakers of WHFF consistently surprises and inspires me. I know you
          will feel the same at WHFF32. There is nothing quite like the power of film and story to reconnect and rebuild.
          - Joshua Nye, Operations Director
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