Page 29 - 2023 Official Program
P. 29

Saturday, July 29 through Saturday, August 5, 2023

      SHORTS: Moving Forward SHORTS: Not Your Average  SHORTS: Thicker Than Water
      August 1 at 8:30pm • Redfield Auditorium  Bedtime Story                     August 2 at 8:30pm • Clapp Auditorium
                                            August 3 at 8:30pm • Clapp Auditorium

      Dustlight                                                                   Baseball With Dad
      Dramatic • Chryssanthi Kouri • Greece • 2022 • 20 min.                      Dramatic • Cody McHan • USA • 2023 • 15 min.
      A woman returns home to clear out her late mother’s   Deadline              A misguided father forces his unwilling son to spend
      things. There, she’s thrown into memories and a per-  Animation • Idan Gilboa • Israel • 2023 • 13 min.  a day with him learning to play the family pastime of
      sonal epiphany as she embraces her grief.  Deadline is a black comedy Stop-motion short that ex-  baseball. A tradition that goes back further than he
      Hold Me, Don’t Touch Me               plores the power balance between bureaucracy, death   could ever imagine. With the help of an old family bat,
                                            and feline devotion of the elderly. At its center is a story
                                                                                  both sides learn more about each other and what a
      Dramatic • Adrian Todd Zuniga • UK • 2022 • 9 min.  of a brave friendship and solidarity between two senior   relationship means between a father and son.
      Disconsolate over the death of her child, Aidy enters   ladies sickened by society’s disregard and disrespect.
      a pub on a freezing London evening where her mel-  Death & Ramen            Daughter of the Sea
      ancholic night is interrupted by Stella, an eager but                       Documentary • Nancy Kwon, Nicole Gormley • USA •
      ill-equipped stranger intent on helping.   Comedy • Tiger Ji • USA • 2022 • 14 min.  2023 • 18 min.
      in too deep                           A buddy comedy between a ramen chef and the    Battling deep depression, Jaeyoun returns to her
                                            Grim Reaper.
                                                                                  roots on the island of Marado, South Korea, to visit
      Dramatic • Chris Overton • UK • 2023 • 17 min.                              her family of female free divers known as haenyeo. To
      Mourning the death of his young daughter, a grieving   Super Deep Down      her surprise, she finds a connection to nature and her
      father goes to extreme measures to relive their    Comedy • Lauren Sevigny, Lexi Pappas • USA • 2023 • 16 min.  ancestors that literally saves her life.
      fondest memories.                     Three friends take a weekend getaway to commemo-  Mandarins
      Night                                 rate a divorce and “move on,” but accidentally awaken   Dramatic • Chelsie Pennello • USA • 2023 • 14 min.
                                            spirits who take their wish to heart.
      Animation • Ahmad Saleh • Germany, Palestine, Qatar,                        A black sheep attempts to eulogize her mother with a
      Jordan • 2021 • 16 min.               The Fisherman’s Wife                  story about pigeons.
      Night has to trick the mother of the missing child into   Dramatic • Jared Watson • USA • 2023 • 9 min.
      sleeping to save her soul.            Amidst total environmental collapse, a desperate and   Wok Hei
      Swimming Through                      lonely fisherman discovers a mermaid... and makes    Dramatic • Joel Salaysay • Canada • 2023 • 11 min.
                                                                                  An Asian-Canadian mother of two restores a rusty
                                            her dinner.
      Documentary • Samantha Sanders • USA • 2022 • 16 min.                       family wok, and in-so-doing reconnects with her
      Three women forge a friendship by swimming daily   Trundle and the Lost Borscht of Atlantis  cultural roots.
      through the winter in Lake Michigan as a way to cope   Comedy • Laura Lee • USA • 2023 • 14 min.
      with the pandemic.                    Today is the day Trundle works the counter.  Black Maria
      Tart                                  The Hereafter                         Dramatic • Marcus W. Albino • USA • 2023 • 31 min.
                                                                                  Ana Morales is the wife of a local gangster, a petty
      Dramatic • Rose Schimm • Canada • 2022 • 11 min.  Dramatic • Ryan Noufer • USA • 2023 • 22 min.  thug with a penchant for violence. When the infamous
      An elderly widow lives in a lonely, grey world until she   The Hereafter tells the story of a dying teen, Olive, and   Allende Brothers darken her doorstep, Ana is forced to
      adopts a big, lovable dog who brings love and colour   a Selfie Casket -- a product that allows the deceased to   confront her husband’s horrifying truth. Black Maria is
      back into her life.                   keep posting to their social medias from beyond    a matriarchal story of brotherhood and bloodshed, of
                                            the grave                             honor found in a den of thieves.

                       Your future. Our focus.

                       Tim Chapin

                       Senior Vice President, Wealth Management
                       1471 Iyannough Road
                       Hyannis, MA 02601


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