Page 28 - 2023 Official Program
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The 32nd Annual Woods Hole Film Festival

      SHORTS: Decisions Decisions SHORTS: Modern Problems SHORTS: Finding Our Way
      August 3 at 4:00pm • Redfield Auditorium  August 4 at 4:00pm • Redfield Auditorium  July 30 at 5:15pm • Falmouth Auditorium

      EXIT                                  Blue Boy                              Roadmarks
      Dramatic • Oriana Ng • France, USA • 2022 • 5 min.  Comedy • Tyler Riggs • USA • 2023 • 19 min.  Dramatic • Brandon McKnight • Canada • 2022 • 15 min.
      A dangerous elevator ride tests a couple’s bond.  Insecure New Jersey bodybuilder, Joey Rossi aka Joey   A former under-ground brawler goes against his loves
      NAKAM                                 Muscles, starts doing steroids in a last ditch effort to    wishes and returns to the fight, sacrificing everything, so
                                            go pro.
                                                                                  that his daughter will never have to.
      Dramatic • Andreas Kessler • Germany • 2022 • 34 min.
       Ukraine 1942. Twelve year old violinist Mitka plays in a   Clam Shack Blues  The Social Chameleon
      Ukrainian restaurant with pianist Yegor. Nobody knows   Comedy • Matt Ott • USA • 2022 • 12 min.  Animation • Alex Ross • USA • 2022 • 10 min.
      that Mitka is part of a Jewish partisan movement. When   Two aging New England clammers bicker about how to   Cosmo the chameleon doesn’t fit in with the other
      an opportunity arises to execute an attack on SS officers   live out their twilight years, with only one of the brothers   animals and must learn to live by his own colors.
      in the restaurant, Mitka puts his only friend Yegor at the   willing to risk life and limb on a dream.
      risk of death.                        Goodbye Tango                         Foreign Uncle
      Picture Day                           Comedy • Jason Laurits • USA • 2023 • 15 min.  Dramatic • Sining Xiang • USA, China • 2022 • 20 min.
                                                                                  Sining brings his American boyfriend, Patrick, back to
      Dramatic • Kelly Pike • USA • 2022 • 16 min.  The sudden death of Ruth’s beloved hamster reveals a   China to visit his family. The family’s attitude towards
      A young tomboy coming of age on military bases faces   decaying marriage with her curmudgeonly wife, Connie.   Patrick changes after Sining inadvertently comes out to
      a new school’s picture day.           Ruth must either accept the death of things or keep   them, except for Sining’s 7-year-old nephew, Naonao.
      Safe as Houses                        spinning the wheel.                   Give It To Me
      Dramatic • Mia Mullarkey • Ireland • 2022 • 16 min.  Misophonia             Comedy • Courtney Hope Therond • USA • 2023 • 9 min.
      On a hot summer’s day, a woman with Down Syndrome   Animation • Linda Wingerter • USA • 2022 • 9 min.  In an attempt to finally process a traumatic sexual ex-
      offers shelter to a young girl when her home is not    A quiet bus ride turns into an aural nightmare for a   perience, Max hires a sex worker to recreate the scene,
      so welcoming.                         book-reading commuter. With every stop the bus   but things don’t go according to plan.
      The Tuner of Silences                 fills with people and sounds, becoming a chaotic ca-  Strings
                                            cophony joyful to everyone but her. Only when the bus
      Dramatic • Mário Patricínio • Portugal, Brazil • 2023 • 21 min.  reaches her seaside destination do we discover she is   Dramatic • Rodrigo Moreno-Fernandez • USA • 2022 • 14 min.
      Mwanito only knows his father, brother, uncle and    not the average commuter.  Penny would sell her soul for a chance to be the world’s
      servant. He’s been told that the rest of the world is dead.                 greatest axe player. Turns out....
                                            My Eyes Are Up Here                   someone is ready to buy.
                                            Comedy • Nathan Morria • UK • 2022 • 14 min.
                                            Sonya is a super-busy, sought-after model, and dating   The Bond
                                            doesn’t really fit her lifestyle. However, a one-night   Dramatic • Jahmil Eady • USA • 2022 • 16 min.
                                            stand with a clumsy but considerate man changes    Pregnant and incarcerated, Aria fights for her most
                                            her perspective.                      precious connection against a system designed to
                                            The Orb                               isolate her.
                                            Comedy • Josh Kirk • USA • 2022 • 3 min.  Wheel
                                            A suburban couple clash over a mysterious product.  Comedy • Honora Talbott • USA • 2022 • 9 min.
                                            The Quarantine Redemption             A casting director gets hit with some bad news while
                                                                                  helping her eccentric neighbor tape a Wheel of Fortune
                                            Comedy • Bahar Dorabadi • Iran • 2023 • 13 min.  audition. Tensions are high, nerves are shot, and it’s
                                            Pandemic lockdown struggles: A noisy wife, a    awkward as hell.
                                            misophonic husband, and a small apartment.
                                            Variations on a Theme
                                            Dramatic • Peter Collins Campbell • USA • 2023 • 8 min.
                                            A couple has begun physically splitting into many
                                            different versions of themselves, and must investigate
                                            an uncomfortable mutation that has arisen.

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