Page 23 - 2023 Official Program
P. 23

Saturday, July 29 through Saturday, August 5, 2023

      Sam Now                               The Space Race                        Woman in the MIrror
      Reed Harkness • USA • 2022 • 87 min.  Lisa Cortés, Diego Hurtado de Mendoza • USA • 2023 • 90 min.  Tatyana Bronstein • USA • 2023 • 72 min.

      ¿ July 31 at 6:15pm • Redfield Auditorium  ¿ August 2 at 6:15pm • Redfield Auditorium  ¿ August 2 at 8:30pm • Redfield Auditorium
      What do two film-obsessed brothers do to solve a family   As America raced to beat the Soviet Union to the moon,   The story of an immigrant, a Jewish ballerina, who
      mystery? Using every video format imaginable, they   a Black astronaut candidate came closer to launching   defected from the Soviet Union because of antisemi-
      make a movie as they travel thousands of miles looking   into space than anyone ever knew. The candidate cho-  tism and lack of artistic and personal freedom and her
      for their missing mom. Stitching together 25 years of   sen by President John F. Kennedy to walk on the moon   transition to the American ballet stage that led, after a
      home videos and filling the gaps in the archive with play,   never left Earth, yet his story launched the bold and grip-  25-year career, to a new role as a teacher, and to new
      SAM NOW is a mosaic of love, longing and loss, as well   ping saga of African Americans at NASA and in space.  challenges as she struggles to adapt to the educational
      as an attempt to overcome intergenerational trauma.  The Thief Collector    styles of American ballet.
      The Artist and the Astronaut          Allison Otto • USA • 2022 • 96 min.   unseen
      Bill Muench • USA • 2022 • 100 min.                                          Set Hernandez • USA • 2023 • 88 min.

                                            ¿ July 29 at 2:00pm • Redfield
      ¿ July 30 at 2:00pm • Redfield Auditorium   In 1985, Willem de Kooning’s “Woman-Ochre,” one of the   ¿ July 31 at 4:00pm • Redfield Auditorium
      The Artist & the Astronaut tells the unlikely love story   most valuable paintings of the 20th century, was cut from its   An aspiring social worker, Pedro must confront political
      between the artist Pat Musick, a civil rights activist, and   frame at the University of Arizona Museum of Art. 32 years   restrictions as a blind, undocumented immigrant to get
      the Apollo astronaut Jerry Carr as they participate in   later, the painting was found hanging in a New Mexico home.  his college degree and support his family. But when
      some of the most historic events in human history. The                      attaining his dreams leads to new and unexpected
      film is filled with never-before-seen footage of the early   With Peter Bradley  challenges, what will Pedro do?
      space pioneers and features interviews with key figures   Alex Rappoport • USA • 2023 • 86 min.
      from that era. It chronicles Pat’s and Jerry’s vastly differ-
      ent paths as they traverse uncertain times, eventually
      coming together to render some of America’s most en-                          IN-PERSON
      during art. The Artist & the Astronaut is an uplifting love
      story proving that curiosity, perseverance, and empathy                       SCREENING VENUES
      for others can be powerful agents of change.
      The Nettle Dress                                                              Woods Hole Oceanographic
      Dylan Howitt • UK • 2022 • 68 min.                                            Institution’s Redfield Auditorium

                                                                                    45 Water Street, Woods Hole, MA
                                                                                    Clapp Auditorium
                                            ¿ August 1 at 5:00pm • Falmouth Acadamy  MBL 7 MBL Street, Woods Hole,
                                            An intimate, provocative series of conversations with abstract
                                            artist Peter Bradley. At turns bitter and humorous, the telling   Falmouth Academy’s Morse Hall
                                            of Bradley’s remarkable rise to success - and unexpected   7 Highfield Drive, Falmouth, MA
                                            fall - unfolds against the backdrop of seasonal change and
                                            Peter’s daily practice at his rural home and studio.  Falmouth Academy’s Simon Center
                                                                                    for the Arts
                                                                                    7 Highfield Drive, Falmouth, MA
      ¿ August 5 at 5:15pm • Redfield Auditorium
      Textile artist Allan Brown spends seven years making
      a dress by hand, just from the fibre of locally foraged
      stinging nettles. This is ‘hedgerow couture’, the greenest
      of slow fashion. It’s also how he survives, and honors, the
      death of his wife from cancer. A modern-day fairy tale                        PARTY / MUSIC
      and hymn to the healing power of nature and slow craft.

                                                                                    The Captain Kidd
                                                     10:30pm • Captain Kidd         77 Water Street Woods Hole, MA
         A Bringing Science to the Screen screening.  Wednesday Night Party         Grumpy’s Pub
         This film/program screens live only.                                       29 Locust Street, Falmouth, MA
                                                 with music by Julian Loida
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