Page 27 - 2023 Official Program
P. 27

Saturday, July 29 through Saturday, August 5, 2023

      SHORTS: Art In Many Forms SHORTS: Be The Change                             SHORTS: Conversations
      July 29 at 4:00pm • Redfield Auditorium  July 31 at 7:30pm • Clapp Auditorium  August 5 at 3:00pm • Redfield Auditorium

      The Right One                         Seeds of Change                       Confessions
      Animation • Anthony Deptula • USA • 2023 • 10 min.  Documentary • Maximilian Armstrong • USA • 2023 • 27   Comedy • Stephanie Kaznocha • USA • 2023 • 11 min.
      A young girl is forced to pick between a violin and a   min.                After the death of a friend, two nuns in their golden
      cello only to discover the right instrument for her is   An organic Farmer in Maine sets out to transform the   years contemplate what their future holds. One confes-
      something entirely out of the ordinary.  prison food system.                sion leads to another and before they know it, they’re
      Big Three                             Hawawshi                              embarking on an adventure.
      Dramatic • Julian Turner • USA • 2022 • 18 min.  Dramatic • Waleed Bedour • Egypt • 2022 • 6 min.  Rips
      In the early 1960s, a budding soul music label brings  When Farida witnesses a sexual harassment incident,   Dramatic • Major Dorfman • USA • 2022 • 13 min.
      in a savvy group of local teenage musicians to offer  she interferes trying to help the victim.  A 9-year-old girl discovers that her favorite sweatshirt is
      feedback and inspiration to its early signees.  Infraction                  a hand-me-down.
      Dragon Poets of Boston                Dramatic • Timothy Blackwood • USA • 2023 • 21 min.  Jack and Sam
      Comedy • Gordon LePage • USA • 2022 • 9 min.  When a prison guard is murdered on the job, his re-  Documentary • Jordan Matthew Horowitz • USA • 2023 •
      Two underemployed dragons have a revelation when   placement and an inmate form an unlikely relationship   20 min.
      they audition for a podcast.          with life-altering ramifications. This film is based    Jack and Sam” is a poignant documentary about two
                                                                                  Holocaust survivors who became very close friends
                                            on the real life story of Philadelphia native Terrance
      OtroLado [OtherSide]                  Lewis who served 21 years in prison for a murder he    while in a concentration camp together, and were
      Documentary • Gabriela Cavanagh, Grace McNally • USA   did not commit.      miraculously reunited after 80 years. Now in their late
      • 2023 • 13 min.                      Run Amok                              90s, they are spending what precious time they have
      Three of Cuba’s most celebrated dancers leave the   Comedy • Nitzan Mager • USA • 2023 • 13 min.  left rekindling their friendship.
      national company to form their own trio. Part docu-                         Panda
      mentary, part performance, OtroLado is a behind-the-  Meg, professional teacher’s pet and amateur harpist, de-  Dramatic • Sasha Briggs • UK • 2023 • 12 min.
      scenes-look as they test the boundaries of contempo-  cides to stage a full musical reenactment of the shooting
      rary dance, friendship and art.       that took place at her high school 10 years ago.  Chef Antonia’s estranged mother pays a surprise visit to
                                                                                  her restaurant. Struggling with feelings of abandonment
      The Mural Master                      Deciding Vote                         she seeks solace from her twin brother, who died 10
      Documentary • Andrew Eldridge • USA • 2023 • 21 min.  Documentary • Robert Lyons, Jeremy Workman • USA •   years ago.
                                            2023 • 20 min.
      A Roxbury iconoclast whose work defined hip-hop’s                           Quote Me Outside
      golden age, Rob ‘ProBlak’ Gibbs made his name    50 years ago, a now-forgotten New York assemblyman   Comedy • Nicholas Bentgen • USA • 2023 • 3 min.
                                            cast a single tie-breaking vote that legalized abortion in
      with murals                           New York and laid the groundwork for Roe v Wade.   This morning before he bounces, Nina’s one night stand
      Wabanaki Modern                                                             would like to offer some inspirational words.
      Documentary • Clem McIntosh • Canada • 2022 • 21 min.                       The Unreliables
      An exploration and celebration of a forgotten, yet highly                   Dramatic • Adam Linkenhelt • USA • 2022 • 18 min.
      influential art movement within the Indigenous com-                         A troubled young babysitter and an absent father must
      munity in New Brunswick, Canada in the 1960’s.                              decide how to deal with his wife’s death, his children,
                                                                                  and their own responsibilities.
                    A Bringing Science to the Screen screening.                   The Vacation
                    This film/program screens live only.                          Comedy • Jarreau Carrillo • USA • 2022 • 10 min.
                                                                                  A Black man attempts to take a vacation.

         Welcome Doc Lovers to the annual Woods Hole Film Festival!! We had a significant
         number of submissions as well as films we invited. Finalizing the doc program to 25
         Doc Features was challenging as we had so many good films. An embarrassment of
         riches for 2023!
         There are exciting films about music, oceans, space travel, women, environment,
         human rights, social justice, LGBTQ, grief, joy, disability, politics, International stories….
         the changing landscapes of our planet and more!
         We are so pleased to present all these stories that will inspire, challenge, awaken
         and bring joy. Many filmmakers will be in attendance as they will get to see your   9:30pm • Grumpy’s Pub
         shining faces lit by the screen. Be sure to meet them!                        Thursday Night Party
         I’m proud to be a WHFF programming teammate! See you at the movies!                 with music by

         - Jane Julian, Documentary Programmer                                          the Willie J. Laws Band

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