Page 30 - 2023 Official Program
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The 32nd Annual Woods Hole Film Festival

                                            The Egret River
      SHORTS: The Blue Between Us           Animation • Wan-Ling Liu • Taiwan • 2022 • 21 min.  SHORTS before Features:
      August 1 at 6:00pm • Clapp Auditorium  When the secret field that the man shared with the
                                            egret was destroyed, he decided to take the egret to   Sand Mama
                                            find a new place to live.             Dramatic • Catherine Loerke • USA • 2022 • 6 min.
                                            The Storm Chaser                      An ambivalent mother resolves her struggle with the
                                                                                  all-consuming nature of motherhood by making a
                                            Documentary • Jack Pirie • UK • 2023 • 7 min.  startling choice on a family beach trip.
                                            While sensible souls retreat, storm-chasing legend   Precedes Everybody Wants To Be Loved
                                            Thomas Traversa embarks on a perilous journey in
                                            search of a mythical storm, the likes of which the world   Not Another Ballet Story
                                            has never witnessed.                  Documentary • Emily Packer • USA • 2023 • 11 min.
                                                                                  A small contemporary dance company in San Francisco
                                            Yellowstone 88 - Song of Fire         provides dancers with a unique opportunity to write the
                                            Animation • Jerry van de Beek & Betsy De Fries • USA •   future of ballet, away from the ballet world’s entrenched
                                            2022 • 7 min.                         ‘story ballet’ tradition.but became a legend by giving a
      Coskata-Coatue: A Refuge on the Edge     In the summer of 1988 dry lightning sparked a fire in the   voice to the unheard.
      Documentary • Laura Cunningham • USA • 2023 • 12 min.  parched and drought ridden landscape of Yellowstone   Precedes Woman in the MIrror
      With the effects of climate change already threaten-  Park igniting a blaze that would scorch over 1.5 million
      ing Coskata-Coatue, what can be done to protect this   perimeter acres. Song of Fire, a narrative poem, guides   Tracks: Stumbling Stones Amsterdam
      refuge on the edge?                   the animation to tell the story of this conflagration that   Documentary • Maclovia Martel • USA • 2023 • 11 min.
      Malignasquelluki (To Live in Harmony)  raged unabated for months until a snow of intense   A visual journey of remembrance in Amsterdam.
                                            severity extinguished the flames. That winter surviving
      Documentary • Ilegvak, Colin Russell • USA • 2023 • 13 min.   Fauna, exhausted from fire and weakened by hunger,   Precedes The Nettle Dress
      A portrait of the Yupik fur hunter and artist, Ilegvak.  died in greater numbers than those claimed by the   Manō
      Restoring An Icon: Tom Townsend and “Cirrus”  fire. The cosmos turns from one season to another and   Animation • Brittany Biggs • USA • 2022 • 10 min.
                                            another and life in the park begins anew.
      Documentary • Durier Ryan • USA • 2022 • 8 min.                             Manō is a short, animated film illustrating the human
      Mystic Boatbuilder prepares for a major challenge: resto-                   impact on sharks and coral reefs, as seen through the
      ration of the iconic ninety-year old Herreshoff yawl Cirrus.                eyes of a Tiger Shark in Hawaiian waters over hundreds
                                                                                  of millions of years.
      The Arctic Halocline                        10:30pm • Captain Kidd          Precedes Patrick and the Whale
      Documentary • Amy Lauren • USA • 2022 • 21 min.   Closing
      The Arctic Halocline tells the story of the groundbreak-
      ing discoveries made by an international research   Night Party
      program that has been monitoring the state of the
      Arctic Ocean continuously for the past 20 years; it is a   and Awards
      crucial reminder that environmental and social justice   Celebration
      are heavily intertwined.

                   Boston Casting

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