Page 25 - 2023 Official Program
P. 25

Saturday, July 29 through Saturday, August 5, 2023

      Intermedium                           Lakelands                             Scrap
      Erik Bloomquist • USA • 2023 • 107 min.  Robert Higgins and Patrick McGivney • Ireland • 2023 • 99 min.  Vivian Kerr • USA • 2023 • 105 min.

      ¿ August 5 at 7:30pm • Redfield Auditorium  ¿ August 5 at 7:30pm • Falmouth Acadamy  ¿ August 2 at 6:15pm • Clapp Auditorium
      Sing your haunt out. An obsessive-compulsive teenager   After a violent attack on a night out, a young Gaelic   After getting laid off, a young single mom struggles to
      searches for a way to rid her home of the ghost that   footballer struggles to come to terms with a career-  hide her homelessness from her estranged brother and
      haunts it, but their unexpected connection makes it   ending injury. We follow him as he undertakes a search   his wife.
      hard to let go.                       for identity in a changing rural Ireland.  Somewhere Quiet
      Jess Plus None                        Let’s Meet Halfway                    Olivia West Lloyd • USA • 2023 • 98 min.
      Mandy Fabian • USA • 2023 • 101 min.  Max Schmitz, Dana Dveris • USA • 2023 • 90 min.

                                                                                  ¿ July 29 at 8:00pm • Falmouth Acadamy
      ¿ July 30 at 5:15pm • Clapp Auditorium   ¿ July 31 at 8:00pm • Falmouth Acadamy
                                                                                  After escaping a brutal kidnapping, Meg struggles to
      Following a miserable breakup, Jessica must now play   A long distance couple meet in a small town between   readjust to normal life. When her husband’s charm-
      maid-of-honor at her best friend’s off-the-grid wedding   them once a month in an attempt to preserve their   ing, aristocratic cousin appears unannounced, the line
      in the woods, where she will be confronted by her more   relationship. Over the course of six months they begin   between reality and nightmare begins to blur.
      successful friends from college, her perfect ex-girl-  to lose grip on what they once had.
      friend, and every bad decision she’s made in life so far.  My Love Affair With Marriage   The Banality
      Know Your Place                       Signe Baumane • USA • 2022 • 108 min.  Michael Stevantoni & Strack Azar • USA • 2023 • 78 min.
      Zia Mohajerjasbi • USA • 2022 • 118 min.

                                                                                  ¿ August 1 at 7:30pm • Falmouth Acadamy
                                            ¿ July 30 at 7:00pm • Falmouth Acadamy
      ¿ July 30 at 3:00pm • Clapp Auditorium                                      A small town reels from the sudden and mysterious
                                            Hungry for love and acceptance, young Zelma feels   death of “Feral Boy,” a local legend since his discovery in
      KNOW YOUR PLACE is a slice-of-life drama set in pres-  incomplete. Hounded by three singing Mythology   the woods as a child. Father Moss, a priest with a loose
      ent-day Seattle, WA. Robel Haile, an Eritrean-American   Sirens, she sets out on a 23-year quest for perfect love   grip on the faith, attempts to counsel the forlorn couple
      boy of 15, embarks on an errand to deliver a huge and   and lasting marriage. She is unaware, however, that her   that raised the boy. As the answers are revealed, he
      heavy suitcase across town destined for a sick family   own Biology is a powerful force to be reckoned with. An   finds parallels between this grisly incident and his own
      member in his parents’ homeland. He enlists the help   animated feature film for adult audiences.  recurring nightmares, haunted in both sleeping and
      of his best friend Fahmi Tadesse, when an unexpected                        waking hours.
      turn transmutes his simple task into an odyssey across   Pacific Coast
      the city of Seattle; navigating directions to make his   Mark Kiefer • USA • 2023 • 87 min.  The Harvest
      delivery on time, along with the challenges of familial                      Caylee So • USA • 2023 • 110 min.
      responsibility, self identification, and dislocation amid
      the ongoing redevelopment and economic displace-
      ment of the only community he’s ever known as home.

                                            ¿ August 2 at 8:00pm • Falmouth Acadamy
                                                                                  ¿ August 2 at 4:00pm • Redfield Auditorium
                                            Two brothers make a road trip down the Pacific Coast High-
                                            way from San Francisco to Los Angeles in order to move   As cultural traditions are becoming a burden of the
                                            their somewhat estranged father into a retirement home.  past, an estranged son returns home to his ailing and
                                                                                  traditional Hmong father, only to set off a chain of
                                                                                  events that will affect his entire family.  25
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