Page 22 - 2023 Official Program
P. 22

The 32nd Annual Woods Hole Film Festival

      Karen Carpenter: Starving for Perfection   Locked Out                       Patrick and the Whale
      Randy Martin • USA • 2023 • 99 min.   Luchina Fisher, Kate Davis • USA • 2023 • 78 min.  Mark Fletcher • Austria • 2022 • 72 min.

      ¿ July 29 at 8:30pm • Redfield Auditorium   ¿ August 3 at 8:30pm • Redfield Auditorium  ¿ July 29 at 5:45pm • Clapp Auditorium
      Forty years after her death, this captivating, revealing,   Nothing symbolizes ‘making it in America’ quite like   An inspiring and engaging tale of Patrick Dykstra and
      and unvarnished documentary provides astounding   owning a home. Yet today, the racial gap in home   a sperm whale “Dolores.” For years, Patrick Dykstra has
      new insight into the singer’s tragically short life and en-  ownership is widening, and those most impacted are   dedicated his life to traveling the globe, following and
      during musical legacy. For the first time, we hear Karen   women of color. Set in Detroit, LOCKED OUT takes us   diving with whales. Over the years, Patrick has learned
      Carpenter’s personal struggle in her own voice through   into the lives of courageous Black women who face   how whales see and hear, how they perceive other
      never-before-released recordings—and through the   evictions, predatory lenders and traditional banking, as   creatures in the water and how they behave at close
      legendary voices of those who knew her and were   they become ground fighters in a movement to battle   quarters. He has a finely tuned sense and knows how
      inspired by her music.                modern-day redlining and housing injustice, so The   to act when within touching distance of a whale. The
                                            American Dream may become a reality for all.  film follows his personal journey and explores the psy-
      King Coal                                                                   chology of a man who has sacrificed everything in his
      Elaine Sheldon • USA • 2023 • 79 min.  Maestra                              single-minded quest to connect with and understand
                                             Maggie Contreras • USA • 2023 • 88 min.  one of the the biggest creatures in the ocean.

                                                                                  Brad Allgood, Camilo de Castro • Nicaragua • 2023 • 81 min.

      ¿ August 1 at 4:00pm • Redfield Auditorium
                                            ¿ August 5 at 5:15pm • Falmouth Acadamy
      Central Appalachia is a place of mountains and myth.
      Director Elaine McMillion Sheldon knows this well, calling   Five incredible women from around the world gather in
      those mountains home. Coal has had a profound influ-  Paris for ‘La Maestra’, the only competition in the world   ¿ August 2 at 5:30pm • Falmouth Acadamy
      ence on this community’s identity, but Sheldon dares to   for female conductors, to show the world the singular
      consider what future stories might look like out of the   talent that unites them and which, for far too long, has   An emerging crisis in one of the last remaining rain-
      shadow of coal, now that relationships to coal are chang-  been considered the pursuit of only men.   forests in Central America ignites a heroic mission in
      ing. The film takes us on an alluring cinematic journey                     PATROL. When illegal cattle ranchers decimate large
      through the past, present, and future of Appalachia.   Mom & Dad’s Nipple Factory     swaths of rainforest, indigenous rangers join forces with
      Sheldon’s distinct vision remixes present-day moments of   JustinSuperstar • USA • 2023 • 76 min.  an American conservationist and undercover journalists
      life in a coal-mining town with archival footage and atmo-                   to expose the dark world of conflict beef.
      spheric invocations of the land to create something new
      — a rare, nuanced depiction of this community. The end of                   Ron Carter: Finding the Right Notes
      one story welcomes the beginning of another.                                Peter Schnall • USA • 2022 • 113 min.
      King of Kings : Chasing Edward Jones
      Harriet Marin Jones • France • 2022 • 98 min.

                                            ¿ August 4 at 7:45pm • Falmouth Acadamy
                                            When Randi is diagnosed with breast cancer, her
                                            husband Brian, a conservative Midwest family man, em-
                                            barks on an extraordinary journey to boost her morale,   ¿ July 30 at 7:30pm • Falmouth Acadamy
                                            which turns into a homespun prosthetic nipple busi-
                                            ness, all while staying under the radar from their friends,   The first major film to explore the life and career of
      ¿ August 4 at 6:15pm • Redfield Auditorium  their church and their five children.  jazz luminary Ron Carter, the most recorded bassist in
                                                                                  history. Featuring original concert footage and candid
      Gangster for some, philanthropist for others, who was                       insights from jazz icons, Finding the Right Notes is a
      really Edward Jones? A European filmmaker searches                          vibrant portrait of the artist in his own words.
      for the truth about her grandfather, a legendary African
      American who rose to the heights of financial and political
      prominence in Depression-era Chicago. In the ’30s and
      ’40s, this descendant of slaves becomes one of the richest
      men in the United States thanks to the Policy business,
      an illegal numbers game, that ultimately became the
      modern State Lottery. But in these times of segregation,
      his success and unfailing support to the African American
      community are a problem. In conflict with both the mob
      and the Feds, he is forced into a life on the run.
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