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The 32nd Annual Woods Hole Film Festival

                 In person screenings and events:                                 Virtual Screenings:
            Saturday, July 29 – Saturday, August 5                    Sunday, August 6 – Sunday, August 13

                             Saturday, July 29 through Saturday, August 5, 2023

       Thank you for joining us for the 32nd Woods Hole Film         I love what I do and I really don’t need to be reminded why, but
       Festival. We’ve spent the past few years adapting to          sometimes those reminders are so nice to get. These past few years
       the new reality of producing a film festival during a         have been incredibly trying for everyone. That goes without saying.
       pandemic, something we never considered prior to              The independent film community we love and do our best to support
       2020. But, with the support of many people we’ve              was hit so extremely hard, and the effects are still apparent today.
       been able to keep the Festival going and moving               However, the resilience and creativity we’ve had the privilege to watch
       forward and this year the Woods Hole Film Festival            during this difficult period has been nothing short of inspirational. I am
       will more closely resemble a pre-pandemic edition             so impressed and so proud of all the stories we will be sharing with
       with 8 days of screenings, workshops, panel discus-           you, and the filmmakers who made them. It was an unexpected and
       sions, special events, parties and more with more than                  wonderful reminder why we do the work we do and
       100 filmmakers and screenwriters in attendance, followed                   why this film festival universe we are a part of is so
       by 8 days of virtual screenings.                                             important. Thank you to all the filmmakers and
       The 32nd edition of the Festival features 112 films and 8 screenplay finalists   screenwriters for sharing your hard work with
       selected from nearly 1000 submissions received from around the world. By      us. We can’t wait to share it with our audience.
       the numbers this year’s Festival includes 20 narrative features, 26 documentary
       features and 66 short films from 19 countries.
       In 2023, we were able to resume the year-round series Dinner & A Movie,     John Gamache, Associate Director
       screenings at Cotuit Center for the Arts and continue our collaboration with the
       Museum of Science Boston presenting films under our Film & Science Initiative.
       In September, we will begin a new curatorial collaboration with the MIT
       Museumin Cambridge.                                           CONTENTS
       We work year-round to develop a program that is original in style and sensibility   Director’s Note ......................................................................................................3
       and that represents the best in emerging independent film. The commitment,   Support the Festival ........................................................................................5
       dedication and thoughtful work of staff and volunteers is incredible, and the   How to Festival ....................................................................................................7
       Festival is only able to happen because of them as well as the support of our   How to Watch Virtual Screenings ......................................................8
       sponsors, donors and members. Hundreds of people make the Woods Hole
       Film Festival possible and we would like to thank them for their support. We   Virtual Festival FAQ ........................................................................................9
       would also like to thank you, the audience, for your continued support of the    Filmmakers in Residence  .......................................................................10
       Festival and independent film. If you are not a current patron or member, we   Panels, Master Class, Workshops ....................................................13
       hope that you will consider supporting the Festival in 2023 with your donation.  Music at the Festival ....................................................................................15

       Finally, we offer our support for the WGA and SAG in their efforts to protect not   Filmmakers & Screenwriters ................................................................16
       only the rights of their members, but the future of the film industry.   Schedule Matrix ........................................................................................17-18
       We hope you enjoy the Festival, see as many films as possible and bask in the   Documentary Feature Films ........................................................20-23
       energy of the 32nd Woods Hole Film Festival.                  Narrative Feature Films .....................................................................24-25
                                                                     Short Film Programs ...........................................................................27-30
       Judy Laster                                                   Jury 2023 ................................................................................................................31

       Festival Founder/Director                                     Cast and Crew ...................................................................................................32
                                                                     Audience Award ..............................................................................................33
                                                                     Film & Science Initiative ............................................................................35
                                                                     Grant Funders ...................................................................................................36
                                                                     Festival Sponsors ...........................................................................................40
                                                                     Festival Merchandise ..................................................................................42

        Copyright 2023, Woods Hole Film Festival, Inc. PO Box 624, Woods Hole, MA 02543. All rights reserved. Copyrights of individual films, logos and images are
        held by individual owners and used here with permission. No part of this program may be reproduced or used in any manner without prior written permission
        from the Woods Hole Film Festival. Print sources may be requested from the Woods Hole Film Festival. Email
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