Page 5 - 2023 Official Program
P. 5

Saturday, July 29 through Saturday, August 5, 2023

      Please Support The Woods Hole Film Festival

                   Among many things that have been upended by the pandemic
                     is the way we relate to and consume arts and culture. Like   HOW CAN YOU HELP?
                     many cultural events, the Woods Hole Film Festival was con-
                      ceived of as a live,and in-person event held for eight days   Become A Member
                      every summer in Woods Hole. Each year, we anticipated   W OOD S  H O L E  The Woods Hole Film Festival appreciates our
                                                             WOODS HOLE
                                                             FILM FESTIVAL
                      with excitement, the new experiences we would share as a   FILM FESTIVAL  members. Member support helps us to expand our
                                                               WOODS HOLE, CAPE COD
                      community dedicated to supporting independent film.     annual programming, bring in more filmmakers and
           The pandemic dramatically changed the film festival landscape and introduced the concept of a   special guests to the summer festival, provide edu-
           virtual film festival. Since 2020 we have been working to adjust to the reality of presenting a film   cational opportunities and ensure that the Festival
           festival during a pandemic while simultaneously reconstructing the in-person festival experience.   remains a viable and integral part of the community.
           The 32nd Woods Hole Film Festival will more closely resemble the in-person experience that au-  Donate
           diences are used to attending while also having the option of seeing films virtually. While we don’t
           know what the future will bring for film festivals, our goal is to be nimble and adaptable. In order   Please consider giving a gift of $25, $50, $100 or
           to do that, however, we need your financial support to make sure we can survive and thrive.   more. Every dollar donated goes back into the
                                                                              Festival and into the Community.
                     Sprouting from a one-hour festival back in 1991 to become a perennial Top 50
                     festival in the world is the result of the love, hard work, and dedication everyone   Online: Visit and
                   involved brings to this event every year. Everyone here at the Woods Hole Film   make a donation on our website. You can also make
                  Festival understands and appreciates that support, which resulted in the festival be-  a donation on our Facebook page, or when you
                ing recognized as one of the Top 10 Summer Events in Massachusetts by the editors of   purchase Festival tickets and passes online at
                Yankee Magazine two years in a row.
               Doing anything worthwhile is always a challenge, but the rewards and the benefit to our
              Cape Cod community are immeasurable. We’ve come a long way, and we’re not done yet...   Purchase Festival Merchandise
              As we present our 32nd year, we have big plans to build off the success of our current yearly   Visit our office andpick up a WHFF hat or t-shirt.
           programming, which includes:                                       You’ll look cool, and they make great gifts.
           The Woods Hole Film Festival – An annual eight-day independent film fes-  WOODS  HOLE  Follow Us On Social Media
           tival and the oldest film festival on the Cape and Islands, filled with daily film
           screenings, Q&A sessions with visiting filmmakers, topical panels, workshops,
           music events, parties, and special events.              F E S T IVAL
              - Film Falmouth                                F IL M
              - Best of the Fest                                              We here at the Woods Hole Film Festival are very
              - Dinner & A Movie                                              proud to have been able to bring the best in
                                                                              independent film to our community
                Whether virtual or in-person, or a combination of both, the
                   Woods Hole Film Festival will continue to present the      for the past 32 years, and with
                     best in emerging independent film to audiences on        your help, the next 32 will be
                     Cape Cod and around the world. We thank you for          even greater
                     your support.                                            Thank you,

                                                                              The Woods Hole Film Festival
                                                                                                           WOODS HOLE
                                                                                                          FILM FESTIVAL

                                                                                                          WOODS HOLE
                                                                                                          FILM FESTIVAL

                                                                                                        WOODS HOLE
                                                                                                        FILM FESTIVAL
                                                                                                                               WOODS HOLE FILM FESTIVAL

                     32 Years of Independent Film!
                     32 Years of Independent Film!                                                                      5
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