Page 36 - 2023 Official Program
P. 36

The 32nd Annual Woods Hole Film Festival

                          The Woods Hole Film Festival
               thanks our grant funders for another

                               year of generous support!

                                                      The Woods Hole Film Festival would like to thank our funders and patrons
       The Woods Hole Film Festival would like to     for their generous support. We couldn’t do this without them.
       extend our thanks to our grant funders, sponsors
       and patrons for the support that makes our an-  Massachusetts Cultural Council Cultural Investment Portfolio, Arts
       nual Woods Hole Film Festival possible. Without   Foundation of Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation,
       your generosity and commitment to our com-
       munity, the annual Woods Hole Film Festival and   Cape Cod 5, Woods Hole Foundation, The Falmouth Fund of the Cape Cod
       other year-round events and programs would not   Foundation, and the Falmouth Cultural Council. Because of you, we are
       be possible.                                   able to provide another year of programming and events and the annual
                                                      film festival.
       - Anne O’Brien
                                                      These funds support the programs of the 32nd Woods Hole Film Festival.

                                                                         Fishing for fun?

                                                                          The Woods Hole

                                                                        Film Festival and

                                                                          Seafood Sam’s!

                                                                         356 Palmer Avenue (Route 28) in Falmouth

                                                                    Enjoy Sam’s to Go while you’re watching a movie!
                                                                  Order online at or call 508.540.7877 for takeout orders.
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