Page 39 - 2023 Official Program
P. 39

Saturday, July 29 through Saturday, August 5, 2023

                                  Thank You!

               Festival Donors and Supporters

                      The Woods Hole Film Festival would like to thank the following donors for their generous support
                                            of this outstanding community organization:
          Dee Aukamp           Angela DiStasi       Robert and Diane Jaye  Renee Magasanik     DONNA SHAY
          Sandy and David Bakal   Arden Edwards     T. Stephen Jones      Deb Maguire          Paul Silvia
          Bakalar              Jennifer Eplett Reilly  Eileen Kandret     Danielle McClelland  Rachel Somer
          Karen Baranowski     Peg Forster          Mary Kane             Terre Mcnulty        Mary Swope
          Neil Barkin          Kinnaird Fox         Karen Keelan          Larry and Michele Moo   Christine Tarnay
          Larry Bigelow        Ruth Gainer          Andre King            Moore                Stephen Tom
          Christy and Jay Cashman  Mary Goldman     Marcia Klattenberg    john nolan           Sandra Trainer
          Margie Ciccone       Nicole Goldman       David Klein           catherine norcott    Joan Tweedell
          Nancy Clark          Karen Gottlieb       Kim Kronenberg        Mary Paci            Cheryl Uchmanowicz
          Ann Clarke           Elizabeth Gross      Ruth Ann Laster       Corey Perks          Scott Van Arsdell
          Hannah Coppola       Dawna Hammers        Peggy Ledwell         laurie Raymond       Sheldon Wagner
          Genai Corban         Megan Hanawalt       Russ Lemcke           Eliza Renz           Jane Wang
          Molly Cornell        Julie Hauck          Anne Levine           Anne Restino         Gretchen Warren
          Deborah Coulombe     Dave Hearne          Lynne Levy            Peter Jason Riley    Olivia & Terry White
          Sue Currier          Libby Hearne         james lloyd           Linda and Michael    Maureen Wolff
          Denise Decoste       Claudia Horwitz      Jonathan Magasanik    Sallop-Fenlon
          Yuko deMenocal                                                  Diane Sette

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