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The 33rd Annual Woods Hole Film Festival

      DOCUMENTARY                           Out shows what’s at risk if we keep the status quo.
                                            Do we want an America in which most of us don’t
      FEATURES                              consider ourselves “math people”? Where math   MASTER
                                            proficiency goes down as students grow up? Or do
                                            we want a country where anyone can understand
                                            the math that undergirds our society—and can
                                            the civil rights leader and MacArthur genius who
      76 Days                               help shape it. The film is dedicated to Bob Moses,   CLASSES
      Joe Wein • USA • 2024 • 105 min.      saw math access as the civil rights issue of our
      July 29, 2024 6:15pm • Redfield Auditorium   time, and whose work we follow in some of the
                                            last filmed interviews of his life.
      After a whale sinks his sailboat, Steven Callahan                             Doug Blush
      drifted across the Atlantic Ocean in an inflatable   First We Bombed New Mexico     Monday, July 29, 12:00pm | Community Hall
      raft for an incredible 76 days. Forced to come to   Lois Lipman • USA • 2023 • 95 min.
      terms with his own limitations, Steven finds a   July 31, 2024 8:00pm • FA-Simon Center
      strength he never knew he had. A gripping first-  In July 1945, the US military detonated the world’s   Christy Cashman, Producing,
      hand account of his NYT bestselling novel.  first nuclear bomb in White Sands, New Mexico,   Acting and Writing
      A Binding Truth                       covering the soil and water with irradiated fallout   Tuesday, July 30, 12:00 pm | Community Hall
      Louise Woehrle • USA 2023 • 92 min.   and contaminating the land. The facts and conse-
      August 2, 2024 5:30pm • FA-Simon Center   quences on the people have been concealed for
                                            decades, but inspirational Hispanic cancer survivor
      Jimmie and De were classmates in 1965. Jim-  Tina Cordova has catalyzed a movement seeking   John de Graaf
      mie transferred his senior year from an all-Black   justice and healthcare for the poisoned people of   Friday, August 2, 2:00pm | Community Hall
      high school to an affluent white high school in   New Mexico still ignored by their government.
      Charlotte - he was their first Black football star.
      Decades later, a shocking discovery reconnects   Follow the Journey
      the men and changes both their lives. Their story   Liz Witham, Ken Wentworth • USA • 2024 • 105 min.
      rooted in the South is also America’s story - one of   July 28, 2024 2:00pm • Redfield Auditorium   WORKSHOPS
      slavery’s legacy and our current racial divide. It’s a   The epic journey of 7 mothers and their newborn
      story of healing and shows a way forward as Jim-  calves from Florida to the Canadian Maritimes
      mie and De explore their binding truth.  are followed in a deep dive into the lives of one of
      The Blues Society                     the most endangered whales on Earth, the North   Alecia Orsini Lebeda
      Augusta Palmer • USA • 2023 • 76 min.  Atlantic right whale. With remarkable access, we   Alecia Orsini is an award winning and multi-
                                            experience the splendor and the plight of this
      July 30, 2024 8:00pm • Clapp Auditorium   great whale through the eyes of a closely-knit
      In the segregated Memphis of the 1960s, blues   team of marine biologists, whale disentanglers,   media professional with 18 years of experience
      masters and beatniks created a music festival that   aerial survey teams, ocean advocates and indig-  working in the film industry. Alecia is a promi-
      rocked the foundations of a conservative world.   enous leaders as they race against time to save the   nent voice in the region’s film community as
      The Blues Society weaves together hypnotic and   species from extinction.     President Emerita of Women in Film and Video of
      unforgettable performances with animation, archi-
      val images, and a chorus of diverse voices to create   Hunt for the Oldest DNA     New England. She will host a workshop on mak-
      a moving image mixtape that both celebrates the   Niobe Thompson • Canada • 2024 • 82 min.  ing a living in independent film. Is it a hobby or a
      music and re-evaluates the era.       August 1, 2024 5:30pm • Clapp Auditorium   profession what skills do you need to work in this
      The Body Politic                      For decades, scientists have tried to unlock the se-  sector of the economy.
      Gabriel Francis Paz Goodenough • USA • 2023 • 91 min.  crets of ancient DNA. But life’s genetic blueprint is
                                            incredibly fragile, and researchers have struggled
      August 2, 2024 6:15pm • Redfield Auditorium   to find DNA in fossils that could survive millions   Monday, July 29, 2:00pm | Community Hall
      In Baltimore, Brandon Scott, an idealistic young   of years. Then, one maverick scientist had the
      leader with an ambitious plan to stop chronic vio-  controversial idea to look for DNA not in fossils or
      lence in the city, is elected mayor. Throughout his   frozen ancient tissue – but in dirt. Join the hunt as
      first year in office, he fights powerful political forces   scientists decipher the oldest DNA ever found and
      to save lives in Baltimore and reveal a pathway   reveal for the first time the genes of long-extinct   PANELS
      toward healing for the nation.        creatures that once thrived in a warm, lush Arctic.
      Brief Tender Light                    Linda Perry: Let It Die Here
      Arthur Musah • USA • 2023 • 93 min.   Don Hardy • USA • 2024 • 93 min.        Panel: The State of
      July 30, 2024 4:00pm • Redfield Auditorium   July 29, 2024 8:30pm • Redfield Auditorium   Independent Film hosted
      A Ghanaian filmmaker follows four African under-  Linda Perry is one of the most outspoken and   by Women in Film and Video
      graduates through MIT, America’s premier techno-  recognizable artists of the past 30 years. The hat,
      logical university and his alma mater. The students   tattoos, attitude, and of course, her massive hit   New England
      embark on their MIT education with individual   single “What’s Up?” In the decades since that
      ambitions. And while their missions are distinct,   song topped the charts, Linda’s been even more   Thursday, August 1, 2:00pm | Community Hall
      they are fueled by a common goal: to become   successful as a songwriter and producer for artists
      agents of positive change back home.  like Dolly Parton, Christina Aguilera, and Pink. But
      Champions of the Golden Valley        behind the fame is a vulnerable and courageous   Panel: What Do You Want
      Ben Sturgulewski • USA • 2024 • 81 min.  woman who dreams big but still struggles with   From Film Critics? hosted
                                            the past and present, with fear, shame, identity,
      August 3, 2024 5:00pm • Clapp Auditorium   and the burdens of family.
      In the remote mountain villages in Afghanistan, a                             by the Boston Society of
      newfound passion for skiing attracts young ath-  Luther: Never Too Much       Film Critics
      letes from rival ethnic groups who showcase their   Dawn Porter • USA • 2024 • 101 min.
      resourcefulness and skill on the slopes. Equipped   July 27, 2024 8:45pm • Redfield Auditorium
      with minimal gear, makeshift skis, and no chairlift,   Luther Vandross always believed he would be a   Film criticism, like the movie business in general,
      a determined ski coach organizes a ski race like   star, but his journey to success was far from over-  is evolving, for better or worse. Five members
      no other, uniting the community in a moment   night. He began his career supporting industry   of the Boston Society of Film Critics will discuss
      of joy and camaraderie. However, when their   icons like David Bowie, Roberta Flack, and Bette
      country falls to the Taliban, many of the skiers are   Midler. Despite earning platinum records and   the changing landscape and how it affects their
      displaced across the globe as refugees, confronted   accolades, Luther initially struggled to break into   work. They also will engage with attendees to
      with an uncertain future.             mainstream success beyond the R&B charts.   hear what filmmakers and other moviegoers
      The Cigarette Surfboard               Driven by unwavering determination, he overcame   want from film critics.
                                            personal and professional hurdles, ultimately es-
      Ben Judkins • USA • 2024 • 93 min.    tablishing himself as one of the greatest vocalists   Saturday, August 3, 1 pm | Redfield Auditorium
      July 31, 2024 5:30pm • Redfield Auditorium   in history.
      An impassioned surfer creates a functional surf-
      board with 10,000 littered cigarette butts collected
      from California beaches. The surfboard becomes
      a global platform to spark ocean stewardship and
      the symbol of a grassroots campaign to hold Big    In person                          Virtual Screenings
      Tobacco accountable for their toxic, plastic waste.
      Counted Out                                screenings and events,                 Sunday, August 4 through
      Vicki Abeles • USA • 2024 • 89 min.      Saturday, July 27 through                    Sunday, August 11.
      July 30, 2024 5:30pm • Clapp Auditorium       Saturday, August 3.
      Through a mosaic of personal stories, Counted                                   Note: some films available in-person only.
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