Page 5 - Woods Hole Film Festival 2024
P. 5

Saturday, July 27 through Saturday, August 3, 2024

      Maya and the Wave                     rare archival, untapped insights, and stop-motion   NARRATIVE
      Stephanie Johnes • USA • 2022 • 95 min.  paper animation, we also come to understand why
      August 3, 2024 7:30pm • Redfield Auditorium   classics such as “Goodnight Moon,” “Where the
      Maya Gabeira is the first woman to attempt to   Wild Things Are,” “The Very Hungry Caterpillar,”   FEATURES
      surf the giant wave in Nazaré, Portugal. She nearly   and “The Snowy Day” changed the art form and
      drowned - and was ridiculed and ostracized by the   stand the test of time.
      male big wave surfers who dominate the sport.
      Three spine surgeries and five years later, she surfs   Stewart Udall and the Politics of Beauty     Abroad
      the biggest wave a woman has ever surfed. When   John de Graaf • USA • 2022 • 78 min.  Giovanni Fumu • USA/South Korea • 2023 • 85 min.
      her accomplishment is disregarded, Maya enlists   August 3, 2024 7:30pm • Clapp Auditorium    July 30, 2024 8:30pm • Redfield Auditorium
      the help of her fans to fight for recognition --and   Stewart Udall, America’s most famous Secretary of   Taemin and Minji, a couple of Korean tourists,
      becomes the first female surfer honored with a   Interior, was also a fighter for racial justice, peace,
      Guinness World Record.                the arts and environmental protections.  travel to the Northern part of the United States to
                                                                                  see the Aurora Borealis for the first time. But, after
      The Opener                            The Strike                            Minji mysteriously disappears, Taemin becomes
      Jeff Toye • USA • 2024 • 72 min.      JoeBill Muñoz & Lucas Guilkey • USA • 2024 • 86 min.  the main suspect, turning the desperate search of
      July 27, 2024 5:30pm • Clapp Auditorium   July 28, 2024 8:00pm • Clapp Auditorium   his girlfriend into a fight to stay alive.
      In the internet era, the dream of the struggling   Amidst the redwood trees on the California-  African Giants
      artist is to go viral. That’s what happened to Philip   Oregon border sits one of the most infamous   Omar S. Kamara • USA • 2024 • 106 min.
      Labes, a singer-songwriter who found a following   prisons in US history. Pelican Bay is a labyrinthine   July 28, 2024 5:30pm • Clapp Auditorium
      on TikTok after posting his clever, heartfelt songs   construction of solid cement blocks – a supermax
      during the pandemic. When his music reached   prison designed specifically for mass-scale solitary   Over a weekend visit in Los Angeles, two first-
      the ears of one of his heroes, Grammy-winner Ja-  confinement. For decades, it held men alone in   generation Sierra Leonean American brothers
      son Mraz, he was invited on his very first tour and a   tiny cells indefinitely. Then one day in 2013, 30,000   navigate the changing dynamics of brotherhood
      chance to play live in front of thousands - a chance   prisoners, against all odds, launched the largest   after a surprise announcement.
      he hopes will lead to a real career in music where   hunger strike in U.S. history.  Agua Sala (Salt Water)
      he isn’t relying on the whims of an algorithm.
                                            Sugarcane                             Steven Morales Pineda • Colombia • 2023 • 85 min.
      Paint Me a Road Out of Here           Julian Brave NoiseCat and Emily Kassie • USA /   July 31, 2024 5:30pm • Meigs Room
      Catherine Gund • USA 2024 • 89 min.   Canada • 2024 • 107 min.              After 20 years, Jacobo reconnects with José Luis,
      August 1, 2024 8:00pm • Clapp Auditorium   July 30, 2024 6:15pm • Redfield Auditorium   the priest who scarred his childhood. His heart
      Featuring artists Faith Ringgold and Mary Baxter,   In 2021, evidence of unmarked graves was dis-  now harbors conflicting feelings of resentment,
                                                                                  lust and affection.
      PAINT ME A ROAD OUT OF HERE uncovers the   covered on the grounds of an Indian residential
      whitewashed history of Faith’s masterpiece “For   school run by the Catholic Church in Canada. After   All Happy Families
      the Women’s House” and follows its 50-year jour-  years of silence, the forced separation, assimilation
      ney from Rikers Island to the Brooklyn Museum in   and abuse many children experienced at these   Haroula Rose • USA • 2024 • 90 min.
                                                                                  August 3, 2024 5:00pm • Meigs Room
      a heartbreaking, funny & true parable for a world   segregated boarding schools was brought to
      without mass incarceration.           light, sparking a national outcry against a system   The Landrys gather for the weekend to fix up their
                                            designed to destroy Indigenous communities. Set   family home in Chicago. But what starts out as a
      Porcelain War                         amidst a groundbreaking investigation, SUGAR-  benign family get-together ends up spiraling out of
      Brendan Bellomo & Slava Leontyev • Australia/USA/  CANE illuminates the beauty of a community   control as some bombshell news threatens to tear
      Ukraine • 2024 • 87 min.              breaking cycles of intergenerational trauma and   everything apart.
      July 27, 2024 6:30pm • Redfield Auditorium   finding the strength to persevere.  The Compatriots
      Amidst the chaos and destruction of the brutal   Ultimate Citizens          Spencer Cohen • USA • 2024 • 98 min.
      Russian invasion of Ukraine, three artists defi-                            August 2, 2024 8:30pm • Redfield Auditorium
      antly find inspiration and beauty as they defend   Francine Strickwerda • USA • 2023 • 52 min.
      their culture and their country. In a war waged   July 29, 2024 5:30pm • FA-Simon Center   Javi, an undocumented immigrant facing immi-
      by professional soldiers against ordinary civilians,   Jamshid is an Iranian who came to study in 1970’s   nent deportation, unexpectedly reunites with his
      Slava, Anya, and Andrey choose to stay behind,   America, but due to the Revolution, never went   long-lost best friend, Hunter, a vivacious bachelor
      armed with their art, their cameras, and, for the   “home.” As a guidance counselor in Seattle, his   seeking deeper connections. Together, they em-
      first time in their lives, their guns. Despite daily   best work takes place on the playing field with “his   bark on a heartfelt journey to prevent Javi’s expul-
      shelling, Anya finds resistance and purpose in her   kids,” the children of refugees and immigrants.   sion from the only country he has ever called home.
      art, Andrey takes the dangerous journey to get his   Mr. Jamshid is the charismatic, fiery, funny human
      young family to safety abroad, and Slava becomes   with a Frisbee in hand, who shows that love wins
      a weapons instructor for ordinary people who have   on the field, off the field, at home with family, or
      become unlikely soldiers. As the war intensifies,   boldly forging a new community, in a new coun-
      Andrey picks up his camera to film their story, and   try - one kid, chicken, ultra-endurance race, and
      on tiny porcelain figurines, Anya and Slava capture   friend at a time.
      their idyllic past, uncertain present and hope for
      the future.                           Water For Life / Agua es Vida
                                            Will Parrinello • USA • 2023 • 90 min.
      Shaking It Up: The Life and Times of Liz Carpenter  July 28, 2024 4:00pm • Redfield Auditorium
      Abby Ginzberg, Christy Carpenter • USA • 2024 • 78 min.  A story of courage and determination, betrayal
      August 1, 2024 6:15pm • Redfield Auditorium   and corruption, death threats and murder, and of
      Over her 89 years, journalist, vice-presidential advi-  unexpected victories in the countryside and in the
      sor, White House official, author, humorist, political   courts, that asks how economic development can
      activist, and feminist leader Liz Carpenter was   grow in harmony with environmental protections
      often front and center where history was unfold-  and why we tolerate unbridled greed and profiteer-
      ing, leaving her own indelible mark and pushing   ing at the expense of human life and our precious
      forward an agenda for women’s rights, political   planet. Above all, Water For Life illuminates a grow-
      engagement, and the environment that is highly   ing recognition of Indigenous rights and a rising
      relevant today.                       demand for corporate responsibility and environ-
                                            mental justice that’s being seen around the world.
      Sono Lino                                                                              Saturday, July 27
      Jacob Patrick • USA • 2024 • 76 min.  The Wonder and the Worry
      August 2, 2024 5:30pm • 4:00pm • Redfield Auditorium   David Baker • USA • 2024 • 98 min.  10:30pm • Captain Kidd
      Lino Tagliapietra is widely held as the greatest   July 31, 2024 4:00pm • Redfield Auditorium
      master glassblower in history, beloved by millions   Chris Johns made some of the the most recog-  Opening Night Party
      across the globe. He began his journey with glass   nizable pictures of our time. He’s the only field
      at the age of 11 as a factory worker in Murano, Italy,   photographer to rise through the ranks of National
      and now at 88, he prepares for his final hot shop   Geographic to become Editor-In-Chief, heading the   with music by
      session while grappling with age, identity and the   world’s most iconic magazine during a period of
      struggle of watching his protégés continue his   industry disruption, digital transformation and eco-  Souljah
      legacy as his famed career comes to a close.  logical crises. After spending a career as a journalist
                                            walking the tightrope between worry and wonder,
      Story & Pictures By                   he’s now being shadowed by a visual artist with her   specializing in soulful rhythms and
      Joanna Rudnick • USA • 2023 • 86 min.  own distinct ethos. His daughter Louise Johns, who   vibrant performances. Souljah is a fusion
      July 27, 2024 4:15pm • Redfield Auditorium   picked up a camera as a child during her father’s   band renowned for its ability to blend
      Follows three stars of the new “golden age” of kids   last field assignment, is shaping her own photogra-
      lit— as they push boundaries and create experi-  phy vision one image at a time.  soul, funk, and contemporary sounds.
      mental work that reflects the mysteries of child-
      hood, champions the marginalized, and provides
      children with windows and mirrors, even when    A Bringing Science to the Screen screening.
      the creators’ own lives are not fairy tales. Through
                                               This film/program screens live only.
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