Page 6 - Woods Hole Film Festival 2024
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The 33rd Annual Woods Hole Film Festival

      Crookedfinger                         new events unfold in the story, we dive into the lis-  SHORTS:
      Julia Halperin & Jason Cortlund • USA • 2023 • 92 min.  tener’s imaginations to reveal a unique version of
      July 30, 2024 8:00pm • FA-Simon Center   the oddball characters the rhapsodist has created.
      After the sudden deaths of her parents, Maria re-  Riley                    The Spirit of
      turns to her childhood home on Cape Cod. When
      her estranged brother Nico shows up to help sort   Benjamin Howard • USA • 2023 • 93 min.  Massachusetts
      out the estate, tensions soon rise about how to   July 29, 2024 8:00pm • FA-Simon Center
      best sell the decrepit house.         Disciplined high school athlete Dakota Riley lives   July 30, 2024 5:30pm • FA-Simon Center
                                            his life within carefully-designed boundaries, a
      Egghead & Twinkie                     calculated blueprint upon which he’s formed the   Gorgeous
      Sarah Kambe • Holland • USA • 2023 • 87 min.  basis of his identity.  But when the reality of his   Dramatic • Morgan Gould • USA • 2023 • 14 min.
      July 31, 2024 8:00pm • Meigs Room     identity is thrown into disarray, Dakota is forced to
      After awkwardly coming out to her conservative   confront the consequences of denying himself, or   She, Who Dared
      parents, Asian-American teen, Twinkie, convinces   come to terms with who he really is.  Dramatic • Gabrielle Rosson • USA • 2023 • 24 min.
      her BFF Egghead to come along on a cross-  Slide
      country road trip to meet her online crush at a                             Smile
      big lesbian dance party in Texas. Unfortunately,   Bill Plympton • USA • 2023 • 73 min.  Dramatic • Mike Sills • USA • 2024 • 20 min.
      Egghead has no idea what he’s being roped into,   August 2, 2024 8:00pm • FA-Simon Center
      and he just confessed his long-hidden feelings for   A mythical cowboy appears in the corrupt logging   The Day Keeper
      Twinkie with disastrous results.      town of Sourdough Creek, and with the aid of his   Comedy • Mark Kiefer • USA • 2024 • 8 min.
                                            slide guitar and a giant Hellbug, battles the evil
      Hangdog                               mayor and his equally selfish twin brother to try to   The Lost Weekend
      Matt Cascella • USA • 2023 • 91 min.  clean up the town.                    Dramatic • Charlie Norton • USA • 2023 • 22 min.
      July 29, 2024 5:30pm • Clapp Auditorium
      Anxiety-ridden Walt embarks on a comic odyssey   The Strangers’ Case
      through Portland, Maine to retrieve his stolen dog   Brandt Andersen • Jordan • 2024 • 103 min.  SHORTS:
      before his girlfriend, Wendy, returns from her busi-  August 2, 2024 5:30pm • Meigs Room
      ness trip, or risk losing them both. Along the way,   Tragedy strikes a Syrian family in Aleppo, starting   Be The Change
      his encounters with eccentric locals Marianne and   a chain reaction of events involving five different
      Brent force him to confront his insecurities and   families in four different countries.  July 27, 2024 2:00pm • Redfield Auditorium
      embrace human (and canine!) connection.  Three Birthdays
      Him                                   Jane Weinstock • USA • 2023 • 90 min.  Bienvenidos a Los Angeles
                                                                                  Dramatic • Lisa Cole • USA • 2022 • 17 min.
      Rebecca Wahls • USA • 2024 • 80 min.  August 1, 2024 4:00pm • Redfield Auditorium
      August 1, 2024 8:00pm • Meigs Room    In 1970, at the height of the sexual revolution, Bob-  Lichtblick - Glimmer of Hope
      Sequestered in a remote desert villa, the final five   bie is determined to lose her virginity on the day of   Dramatic • Sophia Tamaro • Germany • 2023 • 5 min.
      contestants on a reality dating show unite to con-  her 17th birthday, but she will lose more than that.
      front their deceitful suitor and the producers who   When she discovers her mother’s infidelity and   My Father’s Name
      manipulated them into falling in love.  acts out furiously, she sets off a chain of confron-  Documentary • Susanna Styron • USA • 2024 • 20 min.
                                            tations that forces her father and mother to face
      If That Mockingbird Don’t Sing        their own insecurities as accomplished middle-  Save the Cat
      Sadie Bones • USA • 2024 • 95 min.    class intellectuals. On each of their birthdays,   Short Documentary • Jordan Matthew Horowitz •
      August 1, 2024 8:30pm • Redfield Auditorium   hopes are dashed, and secrets revealed.  USA • 2024 • 24 min.
      After being brutally dumped, 17-year-old Syd-  We Strangers
      nie discovers she is pregnant.  Seeing this as an                           The Innkeeper
      opportunity to get her ex back and give her life   Anu Valia • USA • 2024 • 86 min.  Comedy • Paudie Baggott • Ireland • 2023 • 14 min.
      direction, she decides to keep the baby.  She soon   July 28, 2024 8:30pm • Redfield Auditorium   Yaya
      realizes that this won’t be the quick fix she had   Rayelle Martin, a commercial cleaning woman in
      hoped for and finds herself caught in a compli-  Gary, Indiana, stumbles into a new job cleaning   Dramatic • Laura Neri • Belgium/Greece • 2023 • 10 min.
      cated love triangle and totally lost.  the homes of several rich, suburban families. While
                                            working, she impulsively tells one small lie, and
      Katie’s Mom                           subsequently finds herself in an odd new position   SHORTS:
      Tyrrell Shaffner • USA • 2023 • 114 min.  of power.
      July 27, 2024 8:00pm • Clapp Auditorium                                     Conversations
      A recent divorcee’s holiday celebration with her
      adult children derails when she falls for her daugh-                        July 28, 2024 3:00pm • Clapp Auditorium
      ter’s charming new boyfriend.
      Lie of the Land                                                             Comedy • Chris Aitken • Scotland • 2023 • 3 min.
      John Carlin • UK/Ireland • 2023 • 80 min.
      August 2, 2024 8:00pm • Meigs Room                                          Days of Hate
      The Wards are about to lose everything due to                               Documentary • Oliver Shahery • USA • 2024 • 16 min.
      crippling debt, when a mysterious stranger arrives,
      promising a new life - for the right fee. But last-                         Deep Tish
      minute doubts see the pair fighting for everything                          Comedy • Dave Paige • USA • 2024 • 13 min.
      they were about to abandon.                                                 Hello?
      Lost Nation                                                                 Comedy • Mac Montero • UK • 2023 • 3 min.
      Jay Craven • USA • 2024 • 107 min.                                          KISS
      July 28, 2024 6:15pm • Redfield Auditorium
      In 1775, a formerly enslaved couple faces obstacles                         Dramatic • Katja Roberts • UK • 2023 • 15 min.
      as they seek to settle their homestead in the                               Looking Forward
      eastern hills of the territory now known as Ver-
      mont.  Forty miles west, rebel instigator and land   Wednesday, July 31     Documentary • Steven Ascher • USA • 2023 • 13 min.
      speculator Ethan Allen plots to drive out New York   10:00pm • Captain Kidd  Lunchbox
      landlords who seek to impose their rule.                                    Dramatic • Anne Hu • USA • 2022 • 16 min.
      Okie                                    Wednesday Night Party               The Natural
      Kate Cobb • USA • 2023 • 86 min.                                            Comedy • Charlie Rowe • UK • 2023 • 13 min.
      August 3, 2024 5:15pm • Redfield Auditorium      with music by
      Louie, an acclaimed writer, returns to his dilapidat-
      ed hometown after his father’s death. Confronted   Liam and Johnny          SHORTS:
      with a deluge of people from his past, Louie is
      forced to reconcile with the stories he’s stolen,
      misrepresented, or downright exploited for profit.  Guitar-slingin’, harmony-singin’,    Decisions, Decisions
      The Rhapsodist                                 vibe-bringin’ hombres.       July 31, 2024 6:15pm • Redfield Auditorium
      Nikolai Hamel • Greece • 2023 • 88 min.    Their wheelhouse is the classic
      July 28, 2024 5:30pm • FA-Simon Center   Americana, country-rock and folk-rock   Dérive
      Over the course of a night, a storyteller captures   songbook of the 60’s & 70’s.  Dramatic • Lianne Sonia Walden • USA • 2024 • 19 min.
      bar patrons with his tale of mysterious magic and                           Scratch-Off
      petty crime. As new customers enter the bar and
                                                                                  Dramatic • Tara Sheffer • USA • 2024 • 19 min.
                                  * Schedule subject to change. Check website for lastest updates and information.
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