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Saturday, July 26 through
Saturday, August 2, 2025
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Woman in the Mirror

A driven ballerina who defected from the Soviet Union because of antisemitism and lack of artistic and personal freedom toes her way from being a principal dancer of the Boston Ballet to leading a diverse group of ballet students in their difficult journey to become professional dancers as they struggle with the challenges such as physical and emotional stress of intense ballet training. It is the story of her transition to the American ballet stage that led, after a 25-year career, to a new role as a teacher, and to new challenges as she struggles to adapt to the educational styles of American ballet. This documentary is unique in that it does not look back – the film is about present life and about the future for our children and new generations.
DIRECTOR(S): Tatyana Bronstein

Presented in Multiple Parts

Not Another Ballet Story

“Ballet is woman,” George Balanchine famously declared, but in the modern ballet world, women so rarely ha...
11 min | Emily Packer
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PREMIERE STATUS: Massachusetts
YEAR: 2023
RUN TIME: 72 Minutes